Even Zeraora- GX and Tapu Koko Prism Star provide a spark in support of this Lightning-heavy deck. Trainer cards such as Electropower and Choice Band augment the damage output of Pikachu & Zekrom- GX to levels that can ensure one-hit Knock Outs on many Pokémon- GX. Magnezone has a big role in this deck by letting you play extra Lightning Energy from your hand every turn, and Volkner can make sure there’s Energy in your hand to play.

A supporting cast of Pokémon and Trainer cards provides all the support this Pokémon pair could need to deliver big blows turn after turn with Full Blitz until it’s time to unleash the electrifying Tag Bolt- GX attack.

The Lightning-type Pikachu & Zekrom- GX is a powerhouse card, capable of searching up Energy and striking multiple Pokémon. Let’s take a look at one of these powerful cards to see how it can be done. The phenomenal power of every TAG TEAM Pokémon- GX makes them worthy of designing a whole deck around.